
Sunday, April 11, 2004

How many Iraqis died last week? 

This article says 600 in Falluja alone:

Last Monday, a new Iraqi battalion of several hundred soldiers refused to join American marines in the offensive in Falluja, as The Washington Post reported on Sunday and American commanders and officials later confirmed. Iraqi doctors said that about 600 Iraqis were killed in the push, which included the use of tanks and attack aircraft.

I wonder how many of those deaths were "insurgents", how many were "bystanders". And how many deaths in other cities? Of course, the US military isn't keeping track of Iraq casualties, so we have to piece together what we can.

If that's not depressing enough---and it should be, since it will fan the flames of insurgency very well, thank you---Juan Cole has a post quoting a British officer who I hope is completely wrong. Because if he's right about American tactics and behavior in Iraq, America is in danger of losing the war, and much more than that.

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