
Monday, April 12, 2004

In the handbasket (part 4) 

Well, at least our troops aren't living off airlifts. Yet. But this is looking more like war and less like rounding up a few miscreants.

The Bush generals can't seem to decide whether they want to kill (martyr) Sadr or negotiate. Today it's kill or capture. I hope they come to their senses. This is not about one man, and if our decision makers can't even see that, we're screwed. Bush's cowboy Manichean worldview isn't moral clarity: it's insanity.

Oh, and remember the weapons of mass destruction? Well, there is one country run by a madman who has nuclear weapons. One guess who it is. Here's a hint: the Bush administration has been mostly ignoring them, and they have supplied with technology by one of our key anti-terror allies.

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