
Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Will the GOP ever grow up? 

In the late 1990s, the Republicans would rather talk about the President's blowjobs than policy. Republican Congresses dithered away years that could have been put to productive use. Who knows, maybe those years could have been spent thinking about terrorism, or at least something that mattered. But now, as the Bushies never fail to remind us, everything has changed. So what do Republicans want to talk about? John Kerry's medals. Never mind that Kerry fought bravely, volunteered for dangerous missions, was wounded three times, and kept going. As Wesley Clark argues, Kerry earned the right to come back and criticize the war. So what exactly bugs the GOPers? They can't contest that Kerry served his country well, far better than President "Failed to Report to his Unit". Surely they wouldn't suggest openly that the Vietnam War was one the US should have fought. No, they want to argue about which medals and/or ribbons Kerry threw away as part of a protest. Who is dumb enough to think that's the real issue? Apparently, the GOP thinks its own constituents are.

Same old gutter discourse; no "tone" changed here.

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