
Thursday, May 13, 2004

Another non-newspaper reader 


Rumsfeld glumly listened as senators read despairing E-mails from U.S. troops in Iraq and he requested extra time at the end of the hearing to deliver a rambling statement ripping media coverage of the prison abuse scandal.

"I've kind of stopped reading the press, frankly," Rumsfeld said, his voice quavering at times. Instead, Rumsfeld said he was reading a book on Union Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's bloody drive on Richmond in the last year of the Civil War.

Let's hope he doesn't think he's fighting a conflict like that one. Because a total war against Iraq is not what we were advertized.

Though this editorial from the National Review shows the conservatives are working with a new set of priors on what this war is:

But nothing going on in Iraq is quite as alarming as the panic of our political class about it. We have been there a year, really no time at all.

How much time do we expect to be there, if a year is "no time at all"?
The same editorial has this to say:

Every effort must be made to crush the insurgency. Fallujah was a missed opportunity that cannot be repeated.

Sounds like the Empire from Star Wars to me ("the rebellion must be crushed"). Now why would I make that connection... Oh yeah! This op-ed from the Weekly Standard back in 2002 that said the Empire was really much better than the Alliance, after all. One guess which magazine was most pro-Iraq War.

Finally, Tony Blair may have run out of lives.
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