
Friday, May 07, 2004

Out with it 

This quote from Sy Hersh has been on my mind for the last day (via TPM):

First of all, it's going to get much worse. This kind of stuff was much more widespread. I can tell you just from the phone calls I've had in the last 24 hours, even more, there are other photos out there. There are many more photos even inside that unit. There are videotapes of stuff that you wouldn't want to mention on national television that was done. There was a lot of problems.
There was a special women's section. There were young boys in there. There were things done to young boys that were videotaped. It's much worse. And the Maj. Gen. Taguba was very tough about it. He said this place was riddled with violent, awful actions against prisoners.

Now that Rumsfield has warned of (via NYT):

"Beyond abuse of prisoners, there are other photos that depict incidents of physical violence towards prisoners, acts that can only be described as blatantly sadistic, cruel and inhuman," Mr. Rumsfeld said. "There are many more photographs and indeed some videos. Congress and the American people and the rest of the world need to know this."

I dread what is coming. (Remember a few days ago, when Rumsfield wasn't sure if we were talking about abuse or torture? Either he wasn't paying any attention until after he gave that press conference, or he's decided to change media strategies. In other words, he was either too aloof before, which should cost him his job, or the new line about America's openness setting it apart from Saddam is a sorry charade).

But release it already.

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