
Wednesday, May 26, 2004


A quick update. Still on the road, and can't bear to comment on the many new allegations of abuse swirling now, but some interesting pieces of flotsam:

A nice speech from the President in exile.

If this turns out to be even partially true, and if it survives through the news cycles, imagine this campaign line: Bush got played by the Iranians.

I thought Inhofe was a pathetic excuse for a Senator. But I forgot about Trent "Brutality" Lott. I guess Abu Ghraib reminds him of the good old days.

Plus, a little mad social science humor: in the (almost unimaginable) instance where Iraq gets statehood, how about these state names: Kurdsas, Sunnissippi, and Shiowa? 6 senators and 40 representatives...

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