
Thursday, May 20, 2004

Some Gestapo with your Archipelago? 

Caught by Atrios: the 16-year old son of an Abu Ghraib prisoner was picked up by US forces, stripped naked, covered with mud, and presented to his father in an effort to persuade him to "talk".

First reaction: This abomination should never happen in America, and those responsible need to be dealt with, fast.

Second reaction: Gee, do the "rotten apples" at Abu Ghraib have rotten apple friends in the rest of the army to do their dirty work, without the knowledge or approval of higher ups?

Third reaction: If the government did this in America, or the US military did this in a white, Christian country, how outraged would the American public be?

It's not like there was a ticking bomb to be defused, so hold the hypotheticals.
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