
Monday, June 14, 2004

In the reign of Bush the Awful 

President or King? The case for king is looking stronger all the time. A quick review:

1. Came to power when the unelected Supreme Court ordered a halt to the counting of votes.

2. Father was President; Father's appointees made him President

3. Claimed the right to interpret law

4. Treats the public treasury as private funds to be dispensed to his cronies (e.g., Halliburton)

5. Claims (and uses) the right to hold citizens without trial or charges indefinitely

6. His henchmen label criticism of the President as treason and a threat to security

7. His government lawyers assert the President is above the laws in wartime

8. Claims the right to torture

9. Considers the protests of millions no more than a "focus group"

10. Launches wars to settle family disputes ("He tried to kill my daddy")

Not looking good. Hence I suggest a new name for W., to go along with such classics as President Vacation, the Chimperor, and Shrub: King Bush the Awful.

Pretty much sums it up, eh?
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