
Wednesday, June 30, 2004

"Steady leadership" and "optimism" 

I'm still trying to figure what it means to be a "steady leader" (e.g., does a brainless, unchange rock have these qualities? or do you have to be a stubborn, unthinking, unchanging human to qualify?). Maybe the key is "optimism", as ever-astute political commentator Giblets explains:

"This is not a time for pessimism and rage. This is a time for optimism, steady leadership, and progress," says George Bush, or his ad***, and Giblets agrees. Giblets is an optimistic kinda guy. And so is George Bush. Between invading Iraq without a plan, leaving al Qaeda to metastasize while pulling troops out of Afghanistan and Pakistan, and putting out the same tax cut three years in a row to solve different economic problems, Bush has gotta be the sunniest optimist out there. I mean man, if you bottled that sunshine you'd be glowin' for a month.

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