
Tuesday, June 22, 2004

They're not buying it anymore 

A fascinating reversal in the latest WaPo poll: asked whether they consider Bush or Kerry more honest and trustworthy, 52% said Kerry, and 39% said Bush.

This is a big gap, and probably has Rove et al scared.

WaPo a month ago worded things differently, asking separate questions about whether Bush or Kerry were trustworthy. Bush was seen as trustworthy by 53%, and Kerry by 48%. So a lot has changed (and in April, it was Bush 55%, Kerry 49%).

Implications? The hundred million Bush has dropped in Kerry-bashing ads have done very little, and the endless parade of administration failures, misdeeds, and lies over the last month and a half have seriously undermined Bush's (ill-deserved) reputation as a straight-shooter.

And how, exactly, is he going to get that back?
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