
Friday, September 03, 2004

Arnold's fibs 

Arnold says he "saw tanks in the streets" in Austria, and saw Communism first hand. Turns out that couldn't have happened. Now will he get the same intense treatment Al Gore got in 2000, and John Kerry this year, or will his creative retelling of his history get the aw-shucks pass given to George W. Bush.

I'll give you one guess.

Update: A reader with much more knowledge of Austria points out that it is possible Arnold travelled to the Soviet sector and there saw some tanks, so I will reserve judgment on this issue. (This reader also argues that the whole issue is rather unimportant, in the same way that all the Gore gotchas were unimportant, and that's a fair point as well.) So far, further details have not been forthcoming from the Schwarzenegger camp.
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