
Tuesday, September 07, 2004


Bush and co claim that by waging war in Iraq, the US has protected America from terrorism. I, and many others, never considered Iraq a terrorist threat. Indeed, it wasn't much of a threat period. But we have occupied it, and spurred an insurgency against our troops. Bush says this has all be worth it, that we are safer as a result. I see 1001 reasons to disagree with that conclusion.

Today, the military acknoledged what we all knew: many parts of Iraq are no longer under US control at all. But check out the graph at the right-hand side of the page. Attacks on our forces in Iraq spiked last month to over 2500, at least 80 every day, and more than we saw even in the uprising in April. (I wonder, if this is only attacks on US forces, how many attacks on Iraqi government forces have there been?)
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