
Sunday, October 03, 2004

Dare to dream 

From the Electoral Vote website:

Early in the year, the Republicans couldn't control their glee at the possibility of picking up as many as five Senate seats in the South, which has become increasingly Republican over the years. But a funny thing happened on the way to the election. The voters had different ideas. Not only are the Democrats holding four of the five seats in the South, but they are leading in all three formerly Republican seats. They are also leading in the only two really contested seats in which an incumbent might lose: Alaska and South Dakota.

If the Senate election were held today, the Democrats would take control of the Senate, 52-48 (counting independent Sen. Jeffords as a Democrat, since he caucuses with the Democrats).

Looks like Lincoln Chafee is breaking down. I wouldn't be surprised to see a defection in the right circumstances.

registration is picking up in the last days, especially in cities in the swing states.
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