
Monday, October 18, 2004

Teams of destiny 

The Red Sox just won in the bottom of the 14th inning of a nail-biter. The Red Sox were in an 0-3 hole, then won last night in a 12 inning marathon. No team has come back from 0-3 in any sport, but the Sox are at 2-3, and they remind me of my beloved Houston Rockets of 1994-1995, who kept coming back, from 0-2, 0-2, 1-3, to win it all two years in a row. Not saying it will happen, but it doesn't seem impossible anymore.

But what I really want is to see the Astros in the series. They're in the bottom of the 8th, 0-0 pitchers' duel. But the starters just got pulled. Wonder how many innings this will go.

Why the long post on baseball? It all reminds me of the game that got me into the sport in the first place, the classic 1986 NLCS Game 6, Astros vs Mets. Many consider it the best playoff game ever played. Heartbreaking, but great.

How about a trade. Two Houston vs Red Sox battles this November. But we let Houston win in baseball, and give the presidency to Kerry...
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