
Thursday, November 04, 2004


I'm not in the best position to think about what the Dems should be doing now. I'm too depressed and angry. And my natural aversion to stupidity---and Bush's base is a pageant of idiocy unmatched in modern American history---makes me want to throw up my hands and say "Enough! You want to see the consequences of handing over all the reins of power to a lazy, semi-literate ignoramous with troglodyte friends and an itch to revolutionize the country and the world? Then welcome to your future, and all the wars, red ink, and fearmongering you can stomach."

But since the appetite for this menu is apparently bottomless in some quarters of our country, perhaps we should think how to play for voters silly enough to vote on issues of sexual mores. Robert Wright has some suggestions, and though they amount to pandering, I see no safer option when faced with a dangerously ill-educated majority.
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