
Monday, November 15, 2004

In which I try to channel Fafnir 

I think the Republicans need a new name. One that reflects the breadth of a party whose officials run as "God's Own Politicians", then turn around and steal money from taxpayers and deaf kids for a wild time at the plastic surgeons. Pharisees for Fascism, perhaps?

Myabe there's a method to the madness. They want Jesus to come back, right? But he's not cooperating. They've tried praise, and prayer, and good works (well, maybe), and ascetism, and Calvinism, and withdrawing from society, and leading society, and predicting the end, and accepting they cannot know the hour, and converting the heathens, and leaving the heathens be, and stirring up trouble in the Holy Land, and kicking Muslim ass, and Nothing. Ever. Works.

But have they tried---I mean really tried---to make God angry, so angry he comes back early to generally kick ass and take names? Not petty stuff like killing millions of innocents or treating whole nations as inferior because of their skin color; God's got a pretty high pain tolerance for that kind of thing, evidently. No, there's just one thing that really sets Jesus off: the rank hypocracy of subverting his temple for private gain. So maybe it's all a plan, to get Jesus good and pissed, so he'll come down and knock over their tables, and say "that's it; I was going to give you another 10,000 years, but I just can't take this hypocricy anymore; we're ending it now", and then the Pharisees for Fascism say "ha ha, it was all just a trick to bring on the Second Coming, and we got you", and then the world ends.

On second thought, maybe that's not such a good plan. Which of course is further evidence that it is, in fact, unfolding.

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