
Tuesday, November 09, 2004

MSS: Wingnuts for Jesusland 

If you have a strong stomach, or a burning desire to leave the Red States to their fate, read this proposal to force all the most dynamic parts of our country out, into the embrace of Canada. Yes, this is written by someone who thinks the South and West would be better off without New York, California, Illinois, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland and New Jersey.

And if they force us out, I presume they keep all the debt. The 12 expellees would instantly be the worlds richest and most dynamic economy, progressive like Europe, unburdened by an ounce of debt, and educated to the hilt. (In fact, our biggest concern would be the possibility of a Confederate invasion).

I just ask for one thing: We get DC. After all, Maryland ponied up the land in the first place. And they'd want to be with us. Trust me.
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