
Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Stand up for democracy 

MyDD catches this info from CNN:

Ohio - African American precincts are performing at 106% what we expected, based on historical numbers. Hispanic precincts are at 144% what we expected. Precincts that went for Gore are turning out 8% higher then those that went Bush in 2000. Democratic base precincts are performing 15% higher than GOP base precincts.

Florida - Dem base precincts are performing 14% better than Bush base precincts. In precincts that went for Gore, they are doing 6% better than those that went for Bush. African American precincts at 109%, Hispanic precincts at 106%.

Pennsylvania - African American precincts at 102% of expectations, Hispanics at 136% of expectations. The Gore precincts are doing 4 percent better than bush precincts.

Michigan- Democratic base precincts are 8% better than GOP base states. Gore precincts are 5% better than Bush.

People are turning out to show they won't be discouraged, intimidated, or divided. Karl Rove has been running the Republican campaign, and his strategy has been to accuse Democratic candidates of disloyalty, to try to discourage or bar Democratic and minority voters, and to suppress turnout with talk of an "inevitable" victory for the war incumbent.

We've had confirmed reports of every dirty trick in the book---fake phone calls to voters saying John Kerry is for gay marriage, fake "gay" Kerry supporters hanging around polling places in Florida, intimidating letters sent to black voters, challenges to tens of thousands of legally registered voters living in densely Democratic or black districts, the intentional destruction of Democratic voter registrations, the theft of Democratic absentee ballots by people posing a poll workers, the politicization of Osama bin Laden, and, to add insult to injury, fabricated accusations of Democratic dirty tricks that fall apart in hours, but create the impression that "everyone's doing it".

But people apparently know the score. (In a shock to me, it turns out that 45% of Americans consider Bush to be an illegitimate president.) They are standing in line for hours for a chance to vote, whether they live in Florida or New York. They want their vote to be counted.

Nothing would make me happier than a huge turnout repudiating the divisive, un-American, and anti-democratic tactics of the Bush campaign. The best way to stop dirty tricks is to show they won't work. Let's end Karl Rove's career tonight.

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