
Wednesday, November 10, 2004

"What we would tell the children of Iraq is that the noise they hear is the sound of freedom." 

I was forwarded a dated but revealing article on the Iraqi occupation. Sure sounds like it's all irrevocably gone to hell, doesn't it?

The attack of Falluja might have helped if it were done months ago, but instead it was telegraphed to the insurgents but delayed for Bush's sake. Most of the insurgents have already left, they just kidnapped some of Allawi's family, and the Sunnis are threatening to back out of the election. The insurgency is coming out of this week at least as strong as it entered it. I also read in early accounts that the Iraqi forces assigned to fight in Falluja mostly deserted. The current puppet government is falling the minute we leave. Most Americans, regardless of ideology, can agree on two things: we must not fail in Iraq, yet we are failing, miserably.

Freedom is on the march, all right. And pretty soon, it will be marching double time out Iraq, to leave those wretches to their fates.
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