
Wednesday, November 03, 2004

What's right and what's wrong with Kansas, Florida, West Virginia, Tennessee, Missouri... 

"Okay, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several million for good thinking, yeah?"

You have to feel inspired and hopeful when you see the lengths people went to to vote, and get out the vote: standing in line for up to eight hours, going despite fears your vote wouldn't "matter" if you didn't live in a swing state, that the machines might eat the votes, or that nosy observers might challenger your right to vote. It's really the first hopefully thing I've seen about America since Nov 2000.

But Jebus, can this administration really be what a majority of American voters want? I'm with Zaphod on this one. We got the procedures mostly right (though we really could run elections much better), but somehow, we flubbed up the whole making-a-wise-decision thing.

This whole Dare to Be Stupid thing has worn out its welcome.
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