
Saturday, January 29, 2005

The point of a Doomsday device... 

In lighter news, I was picking up wrapping paper at the drugstore when I found a great gag gift. Many years ago, one of my uncles got one of my other uncles an... unconventional birthday gift.

Naturally, this meant war. The Mr. T Sprinkler got passed around for a couple of years, then disappeared. My cousin found one on ebay and gave it to his father this Christmas, no doubt igniting a new gag gift war.

I cannot risk a gag gap!

And today, I found my new first strike weap---er, doomsday deterrent. The fools at the drugstore had slashed the price from $20 to $5, and placed it hopefully by the register. The sales clerk thought my plan to purchase it a gift from God. It talks, you see, and that must get very annoying. Very annoying indeed...


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