
Saturday, February 12, 2005

Another brick in the wall... 

So Congress is seriously considering giving the Secretary of Homeland Security an exemption from the rule of law when it comes to constructing "barriers" in the "vicinity" of US borders. He can ignore any law, and his actions are not subject to judicial review. So if this law reaches the books, with respect to the construction of walls, the US will cease to be a republic, and become, in this instance (walls !?), a dictatorship.

That's just amazing. What is it about building walls near the border that requires this unprecedented break with the rule of law? And why isn't there another way to accomplish whatever goal it is? When did everyone go mad? (ok, 1994, I know...)

Throughout the 1990s, the GOP was obsessed with the "rule of law", but only insofar as it applied to presidents' statements about oral sex while under oath in sexual harassment lawsuits. Today, they are obsessed with "freedom", but only insofar as it applies to certainly crudely designed elections in our colonial dominions.

Giving cabinet secretaries enabling legislation to ignore Congress and the Courts and the Code of the US, and actually protecting colonials from death and maiming at the hands of would-be oppressors, are apparenly minor footnotes to the grand principles to which our moral betters have dedicated all their efforts.

But maybe the House Republicans are sane after all. According to Josh Marshall, who logic appeals, GOP House members may be inferring from Bush's abject failure sell his private accounts patent medicine in red states the implication that to follow his lead would be to commit suicide in the 2006 elections. Has reality finally struck a blow against the faith-based mentality of the Bush Party?

I hope so. But you just can't ever count on this bunch to do anything right.
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