
Friday, February 11, 2005

Update on General Mattis 

A commenter on this blog has posted a few times to defend General Mattis (of "it's fun to kill the Taliban" fame). She points to this defense:

Col. Anderson added: “Please don’t vilify Mattis. If he is guilty of anything, it is for using poor judgment in the use of his words. But it was Mattis who had a mandatory reading program for all Staff and Officers giving them a basic understanding of Islam, the region, and the culture. He is a good Marine and someone we need,” said Anderson, currently a professor of Naval Science at Norwich University, the oldest private military college in the Untied States.

“What came out and what he meant are two different things,” said Col. Anderson. I’m in full support of him, he just needs to be more careful of what he says.”

Perhaps Mattis did choose his words poorly. He probably did not expect them to receive the scrutiny they have, and may regret the way they have been heard. He may also be laying low---rather than publically apoligizing or explaining---on the principle that this is the fastest way to make the problem disapear.

So let me say this: I hope Mattis mispoke. I hope that he doesn't think it's okay to enjoy killing, under any circumstances. I hope he doesn't encourage his men to think that way, either.

But given the recent behavior of our military and government in Iraq and Guantanamo and who knows where else, and the incredible stonewalling on and defense of torture as an instrument of war and police work, I don't think we can be too careful with the idea of dehumanizing an enemy to the point where killing becomes fun.

I think its safe to say that if we all look at Iraqis as people as deserving of respect as anyone else, things would have taken a very difference course.
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